Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Does Michelle Obama represent you?

Alright, I know The Today Show (and all mainstream media) is in love with President Obama, because he is the second coming and all, but do Working mom’s everywhere really need to be compared to Michelle Obama as “Today’s Woman?”

Look for next month’s Vogue cover, as the new First Lady is posed as the “Everyday working woman.” You know, the everyday working woman with a nanny, cook, driver, and private schools, to assist her in her career.

Yes, I am feeling really connected with her “everydayness.”


  1. So do you expect the leader of the free world's spouse to chauffeur her own kids to a public school in a Volvo? She does not have a cook, the WHITE HOUSE has a cooking staff. It's had one for decades. Heroes of the conservatives like Nancy and Ronald Reagan had their meals prepared for them while they were selling arms to the contras, consulting astrologers, and spiraling the deficit.

  2. Yeah, she has only been in the White House two weeks. I am not insisting she cook for herself and her family in the White House, I am referring to her past 10 years as a “Working mother.”

    Her title of “Everyday working woman” doesn’t speak to the majority of American women who have no other option but to work.

    A very low percentage of us working moms have the means to climb the corporate ladder, with a nanny and/or other “helpers.” I am speaking for those women.

    Nonetheless, way to bag on the Regan years in a topic about a democratic First Lady. I might add the only other Vogue cover was Hillary Clinton, and we all know how much the media loves her.

  3. I think my comment went into Neverland?? Maybe it needs to be approved...I'll wait.

  4. Darn, Nope. Well, I had something really witty to say and it's lost now. Even though I love to cook, if given the option, I would choose to have a personal chef. I could lose a few pounds.

  5. I agree with Amie. Most of America can not afford the luxuries that Michelle Obama has enjoyed the last two weeks, let alone the last ten years. I think it is copasetic to assume that as a resident of the White House, the First Lady should have a personal chef and a chauffeur for her children. However, the press has been doting on the Obama's for their "normalcy" and "All American-ness" for much longer than the last two weeks.

    Very few people receive a 260% pay increase akin to the one Michelle Obama, the "everyday working woman", received from her University of Chicago Hospital job in 2005. When Obama became a U.S. senator, her 'salary' of $121,910 leapfrogged to $316,962 for the same job. (Ironically, one of Senator Obama's first acts in office was to see to it that the hospital received over a million dollars as an earmark.) I am having a difficult time thinking of one every day, working woman who has received that kind of pay raise in the last ten years or in their entire lifetime!

    If we are going to praise Michelle Obama for being an icon of working women everywhere, I think we need to call to mind the obvious discrepancies, such as the one I just described. I consider myself an everyday working woman. I have been a single mother, a married mother, and all the time I have worked hard to contribute to my family, while nurturing my children. I don't doubt that Michelle Obama tries to do the same. I do, however, find it quite offensive to call her an everyday working woman when she has clearly enjoyed the benefits of being anything but!

  6. Ohh, where to start... how about the beginning. Michelle Obama was born on the South side of Chicago (not Nebraskan suburbs to say the least), then she graduated from Princeton University and continued on to Harvard Law School. She began her lucrative career (that's what happens when you graduate Harvard Law) at Sidley Austin Law Firm where she met and chose a mate equally as ambitious as her. After firmly establishing their base, the Obamas had two girls. Her new role as first lady comes with a little bit of work demands outside the white house. So I understand your obvious angst when media portrays her as the everyday working mother, there's nothing everyday about her. Oh no, this woman decided long ago she was going to succeed at everything she did. She put in the hard work and long hours, overcame race inequalities (and if you dare sigh at that - know that black women are the lowest paid workers in America) and has reaped the benefits of busting her ass!
    Instead of being catty, woe is me, struggling suburban mommys, applaud Michelle Obama for setting such high standards all our young females can look up to. Show case her to your children - she is a working mom and an extrodinary one at that!
